Justice Served While SEO Movement Continues

Justice was served yesterday with the guilty verdicts for the murder of George Floyd. We believe that it was a welcome change for a police officer to finally be held accountable for the senseless death of a Black person. Yet, Vice President Kamala Harris got it right with her observation that “A measure of justice isn’t the same as equal justice.”
The tragedies and injustices remain all too frequent. In the last month alone, there have been numerous unjustified murders of BIPOC individuals, including Daunte Wright, Adam Toledo, and yesterday Ma’Khia Bryant. We continue to witness appalling acts of bigotry and violence against AAPI communities. We’re seeing an unacceptable rise in voter suppression legislation, transphobic policies, and other acts of systemic bigotry.
Our SEO community is grappling with the weight of these tragedies and injustices while navigating everyday life obstacles. We continue providing our participants with the support they need to navigate complex realities, while they’re building skills for academic and professional success and leading long-term, enduring societal change. We take solace in yesterday’s step towards justice, and the SEO community is determined to maximize opportunities to create a society that is equitable for all, regardless of race or background.
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