SEO Response to El Paso and Dayton Attacks
Dear Members of the SEO Family,
The racist and cowardly attack in El Paso, Texas, and the murders in Dayton, Ohio, this past weekend deeply sadden and enrage us. Our condolences are with the families and friends of those murdered and injured in these horrific shootings and with all who are affected every day by violent acts of hate.
We are horrified by the senseless acts of violence against the Hispanic community, and we stand in solidarity with the Hispanic community. We are living in frightening times. Hate crimes are at the highest levels ever. Last year we had the most school shootings in U.S. history. Last year was also the deadliest for gun violence. Leaders should be accountable for rhetoric and actions that incite acts of violence against our communities. Now is the time for leaders and legislators to take action and address gun control, white nationalism, and institutional racism head-on.
As Maya Angelou said, “Hate, it has caused a lot of problems in the world but has not solved one yet.” We at SEO are more determined than ever to continue to provide love and support to all the young people we serve, helping them to successfully navigate an academic and professional world that often discriminates against them because of the circumstances of their birth.
There is no room for hate in our society. We are invigorated to continue our work creating a more equitable society.
Together we are making a difference!
My best,
William Goodloe
President and CEO, SEO